We are able to offer full Import & Export advice through our qualified and experienced teams, from the first discussions about Shipping Laws and which Incoterms to use, all the way through to advice on the newest government regulations surrounding Brexit for European moves, as well as all International Import and Export customs clearance and documentation requirements.
Our Services
Comprehensive Import & Export Support
In many locations worldwide our local offices are able to provide full advise and support to ensure your cargo has the correct documentation to clear customs. With advice about duties payable and local regulations , our expert teams will ensure your cargo is cleared and released to you as quickly as possible. In locations where our local offices cannot carry out these services themselves we are able to connect you to local companies to assist you.
Our expert teams have access to their local On Line systems such as CHIEF in the UK and ASYCUDA in the USA.
Our UK offices are available 24/7 and you can access our Brexit support team +44 1304 215959 or email us on ukcustoms@kestrel.com
Our USA teams in Miami and California have direct links to the local Customs contacts and are fully adept with the On Line Customs management system known as ASYCUDA. Contact us here
Internationally our offices throughout the Caribbean , Asia and Africa will help you handle all local requirements.
Brexit - European Customs

Comprehensive Import & Export Support & Services
Industry Recognised Customs Experts, Full Range of Customs Services, Specialist Support Tailored For You 24/7, Brexit Import Guide EU to GB, Brexit Export Guide GB to EU, Key Updates
Brexit Made Easy!
Our teams of experts will be on hand to walk you through the new processes, ensuring that you understand and are compliant with the Government Requirements and choose the options most suited to you.
Our Services
Comprehensive Customs Clearance, Direct Link to CHIEF, Specialist Team, Bespoke Brexit Advice and 24/7 Support
For further information about Customs & Brexit please contact us on +44 1304 215959 or email us on ukcustoms@kestrel.com
From January 2021 - The Main Options
Standard Import Procedures
Transit Import Procedures
If your goods will transit multiple territories you may use the transit option
The full list of import options and additional processes can be viewed on GOV.UK
Our team will be ready to help with your specific enquiries and you will be allocated a key contact to assist you through the changes
You will need an EORI number.
Apply on GOV.UK
if you do not have one
Import Licences
Check if your goods require an import licence
Check your VAT status and requirements
Check the UK global tariff to see if you will need to pay duty on the goods you are importing
Duty Deferment Account
The UK global tariff specifies the amount of duty to be paid for the goods you imported
Our team will ask you to provide all the information they will require to submit your customs declaration on your behalf
The Exporter
The exporter must complete all requirements on their side, this includes; The exporters EORI number Export licences or certificates Completing an export declaration Not sure? We can help
Duty Payments
Customs duty will be payable as soon as your goods arrive in the UK. You will either pay HMRC directly or pay using a duty deferment account to delay payment. Please discuss your options with our team
VAT Registered
You will need to account for your import VAT using postponed VAT accounting
Not VAT Registered
You will need to pay the VAT as well as the customs and excise duty payable
Excise Duty Suspension
Please contact us to discuss this or check on the GOV.UK site for further information
From January 2021
You will need an EORI number.
Apply on GOV.UK if you do not have one
Export Licence/Certificate
Check if your goods require an import licence
Check the guidance about applying zero VAT
Our team will ask you to provide all the information they will require to submit your customs declaration on your behalf
Your Records
You must keep a record of all exports
From January 2021
You will need an EORI number.
Apply on GOV.UK if you do not have one
Export Licence/Certificate
Check if your goods need a licence
Check the guidance about applying zero VAT
Our team will ask you to provide all the information they will require to submit your customs declaration on your behalf
We will discuss your options with you, you must have an authorised guarantee in place before your goods can move
Transit Start
You will be advised where your goods must go to start the transit process
Transit Accompanying Document
Known as the TAD - this must accompany the goods through the transit movement and is provided by either an authorised consignor or is applied for via a unique reference number from NCTS
Your Records
You must keep a record of all exports
We will be able to advise you about the taxes due in both the import and the export dependant on the buying terms (Incoterms) that you use
Incoterms are the legal terms specifying which party in a contract is responsible for customs declarations and import taxes, as well as transportation of the goods and legal ownership during transit.
Check our website www.kestrel.com for the full list of Incoterms and their legal implications.
Our team will be able to advise you about the correct definition and legal requirements of the Incoterms you use to import and export, whether you are buying or selling.
The Brexit legislation and information may be fluid whilst the Brexit plan is finalised, so please contact us to discuss the most up to date regulations.
If you are SELLING you sell the goods and the buyer arranges and pays for collection
If you are SELLING you sell the goods and you arrange and pay for the delivery to the customer and you pay for the duty
If you are SELLING you sell the goods and you arrange for delivery to the customer to a nominated place ready for the BUYER to organise unloading. Title (ownership) and risk (including cost of goods, cost of transport and cost of insurance) pass from the SELLER to the BUYER at this point
If you are BUYING you buy the goods and you arrange and pay for collection from the supplier. Ownership and risk pass to you at the time of payment including the costs of transport and insurance
If you are BUYING you buy the goods and your supplier will arrange and pay for delivery to you, with the duty paid. Ownership and risk pass to you at the time of delivery
If you are BUYING you buy the goods and your supplier will arrange and pay for delivery to your named place of destination (including warehouse or transport hubs). Ownership and risk transfers once the truck/delivery vehicle arrives for unloading at the nominated place. The SELLER is responsible for EXPORT CLEARANCE. The BUYER assumes all risks and costs once goods are delivered to the nominated place
EX Works EXW
The BUYER is responsible for collecting the goods from the SELLER and the BUYER accepts all onward arrangements, including associated costs, risks and liabilities
Free On Board FOB
The SELLER and the BUYER have equal responsibility for all costs, risks and liabilities associated with the transport of goods. The SELLER is responsible up to the arrival for boarding the ship, including charges at the loading port. The BUYER is responsible from loading onwards until the goods reach their final destination. FOB is usually recommended for importers and buyers as it allows greater control over the costs
Cost Insurance And Freight CIF
The SELLER'S invoice will include the cost of the goods and insurance, plus the cost of transporting the goods to the port of discharge, (not including local charges). CIF appears a good option, however the BUYER has little control over the shipping process and associated costs
Delivered Duty Unpaid DDU
The SELLER is responsible for the safe delivery of goods to a named destination, paying all transportation expenses and assuming all the risks during transport
Delivery Duty Paid DDP
The SELLER is responsible for carriage and delivery to a named place, including clearing for import and all applicable taxes and duties. This maximises cost and risk for the SELLER and minimises cost and risk for the BUYER. The buyer’s responsibility for the goods begins when they receive them for unloading at the destination.
These are just a few simple examples our team will be able to guide you on the best terms most suited to you.